Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blogmas Day 8: Christmas Tag!

Hey guys! So as I explained in the day seven post I'm so sorry that this post is so late. You can see my explanation in the previous post. Anywho, today's post is the Christmas tag! I'm going to be doing the questions that Zoella and ThatcherJoe did on Zoe's channel a few years ago. I just really liked those questions. So I will link their video at the end so you can watch it if you'd like.

Question 1: When do you start getting excited for Christmas?  

To be honest the past couple years I haven't been too into Christmas. I think it's because I was like very depressed whether I realized it or not. But this year I started getting excited around the beginning of December. I think part of it is because I'm actually happy this year. Also because with my job I can buy Christmas presents for people this year.

Question 2: Do you still have an advent calendar?

No I don't. But next year I want to buy one for myself and I'd love a beauty advent calendar from like Benefit or something.

Question 3:  What are your favorite Christmas films?

I answered this already in my blogmas day two post. So I'll link that below for you. But as a breif overview my three favorite Christmas films are Elf, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (Jim Carrey version), and The Year Without A Santa Claus.

Question 4: Do you have any funny Christmas Stories?\

Okay so I don't have any funny Christmas stories but I do have a remember-able Christmas Eve story. So I was in elementary school (I don't remember the age) and we were going to my aunt's house. I didn't feel well but we still went just to see everyone because we don't see that part of the family a lot. We got there and I kind of just laid on the couch. I was tired and felt sick and I wanted to go home. My parents made me try to eat some food. Basically I got sick (threw up) at my family Christmas party.  I was given a bath there and put in pajamas then we left the party early before Santa stopped by.

Question 5: Talk us through your typical Christmas Day.

My typical Christmas Day changed when my parents separated when I was in seventh grade. So I'll tell you what we've done since then. My siblings and I wake up early and go downstairs but we can't open our presents until our mom wakes up. We wake her up around 8 in the morning. She comes down stairs and gets her coffee, some trash bags, her camera, and puts breakfast (usually some sort of casserole) in the oven, Then finally after all of that waiting we can finally start opening things. We always start with going through our stockings. Then once we all finish that, we begin opening our presents. There isn't really any sort of organization to this we just all open our presents. Once my siblings and I are done my mom goes through her stocking and open her presents. After all the gifts are open we have breakfast and get ready for the day. Then around ten my dad picks us up and we go to his house and open presents there. My dad has since moved in with his girlfriend so there is some kind of order to opening presents there. They hide a little pickle ornament and the first person to find it gets to open the first present. Fun fact my little sister has been the first person to find it two years in a row. We usually hang at my dad's for a little bit then we go home. After a few hours my grandma comes over and we open the presents from her and have Christmas dinner.

Question 6: What do you eat for Christmas?

This year we're having ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, green bean casserole, green beans, and gravy.

Question 7: Do you have any Christmas traditions?

Every Christmas Eve we go to my aunt's (on my dad's side) house. We see our cousins and have dinner. Santa comes, reads a story and all of the kids get one present. Then we go home and lay out cookies and milk for Santa then go to bed. In the morning we do what I said in question 5.

Question 8: What are your favorite Christmas songs?

I actually have a blog post about this planned but one of them is Grownup Christmas List by Kelly Clarkson.

Question 9: What is the best Christmas present you've ever received?

There is a toss up for this answer. Two years ago I got a trip to Disney World for the next Thanksgiving. It was an amazing present. Then last year I got an IPhone 6, phone service, and tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. 

Question 10: Real or fake Christmas tree?

We have a fake tree but I definitely prefer real trees.

I hope you liked this post! I had fun answering these questions. And I'll link Zoe's video for you guys!

Zoella's Christmas tag: 

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